Contact us

tel: +39 800601510
Come visit us in our flagship stores

In the center of Abbiategrasso, in the so-called Streccieu, a narrow street that connects the main square with the Visconti Castle, in the heart of the city, a street of historic and excellent stores.
+39 02 94963946
Via Passaggio Centrale, 9
20081 - Abbiategrasso (MI)

The elegant boutique set under the arcades of Piazza Mantegna in the center of Mantua, surrounded by historic Renaissance buildings. Its refined atmosphere reflects the splendor of the city.
+39 0376 752441
Piazza Mantegna, 11
46100 - Mantova (MN)

In the main street of the historic center of Seregno, the jewel of Brianza, wrapped in the charm of the city’s monuments, stately buildings and historic stores.
+39 0362 686260
Corso del Popolo, 10
20831 - Seregno (MB)
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